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Mahler, Songs of a Wayfarer, 1-4.

The song cycle Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Songs of a Wayfarer) was composed by Mahler around 1884-85, relatively early in his career. The collection consisted of 4 songs for which Mahler wrote his own lyrics. I – "Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht" ("When My Sweetheart is Married") II – "Ging heut Morgen übers Feld" ("I Went This Morning over the Field") III – "Ich hab' ein glühend Messer" ("I Have a Gleaming Knife") IV – "Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz" ("The Two Blue Eyes of my Beloved") The songs were originally scored for voice and orchestra.

The orchestral accompaniment presented here was created by Uli Schauerte (
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Mahler, Songs of a Wayfarer, 1-4.

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